Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the conventional ways of studying and understanding Russia. The war has destroyed horizontal connections, dismantled research cooperation, made fieldwork almost impossible, and called into question previously-acceptable methods and sources of information.

Hosted at GW's Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (IERES), The Russia Program is responding to these challenges with the creation of a novel research ecosystem that renews our methodological toolkit, creates new knowledge commons, focuses on key research questions, and reengages with Russians—all on a platform designed to spread knowledge to a broader audience.

Learn more about IERES and its Eurasian studies programs
The Russia Program
a new way to study Russia
The Russia Studies Ecosystem
An interview project that
records firsthand policy perspectives on both American and Russian political, economic, diplomatic, and military developments
A pioneering digital archive project that makes available and searchable declassified government files to create new virtual libraries without borders
A peer-to-peer network of research assistants, whose members mine data and conduct field research and archival work in post-communist countries
The Bridge Research Network
Program for investigative research that seeks to go beyond conventional methods and mine unique data, taking the field of digital humanities to a new level
Russian Global Academy
A leading analytical platform for academics, experts, and journalists to discuss today’s Russia
An innovative one-stop shop that offers short-term fellowships, along with conference and publishing support for Russian scholars in exile
The New Methodological School
The Soviet Babylon Archives
SMU CPH Oral History of US-Russia Relations
Refreshing research methods, data collection, and information accessibility
Focusing on key research topics to understand Russia today and to reengage with Russians on issues of global importance
Rethinking the way we talk about Russia to a broader audience and the way we engage with Russian scholars
White Russian History
A research project that reconstructs White Russians’ place within the transnational history of the far right and tracks the influence of White ideology in today’s Russia
Russia’s Arctic Future
A multidisciplinary research project that explores how Russia’s Arctic regions are changing and how local populations are dealing with sustainability issues
Russia's Political Culture
An in-depth research project that scrutinizes Russia’s political culture and ideological production, and maps its actors, institutions, and societal relevance
A non-profit association of scholars and experts working on issues related to Russian civil society, Russian immigrant communities, and academic freedom
An ecosystem is a dynamic self-sustaining structure that grows as long as its elements are interacting. Our Russia studies ecosystem provides innovative data collection and aggregation methods, processes them for topical research, and builds bridges to broad audiences and networks.
Our Partners
Decentering Russia
A forward-looking research project that studies Russia from a regional and social diversity perspective, while also decentering it from classic Western-centric views
An open-access, peer-reviewed journal publishing social research in Russian and English about Russia’s and Eurasia’s societies and their transformations
We achieve our goals by:
RAD analyzes recent events, trends and developments within contemporary Russian politics, economics and business, foreign policy, security and society.
Russian Analytical Digest
The Russia Studies Ecosystem
An ecosystem is a dynamic self-sustaining structure that grows as long as its elements are interacting.

New Methods and Knowledge Commons
The Russia Program renews research methods, data collection, approaches to fieldwork, and information accessibility
Program for investigative research that seeks to go beyond conventional methods and mine unique data, taking the field of digital humanities to a new level
A peer-to-peer network of research assistants, whose members mine data and conduct field research and archival work in post-socialist countries

A pioneering digital archive project that makes available and searchable declassified government files to create new virtual libraries without borders

An interview project that
records firsthand policy perspectives on both American and Russian political, economic, diplomatic, and military developments

Key research topics
The Russia Program focuses on key research topics to understand Russia today and to reengage with Russians on issues of global importance
An in-depth research project that scrutinizes Russia’s political culture and ideological production, and maps its actors, institutions, and societal relevance
A forward-looking research project that studies Russia from a regional and social diversity perspective, while also decentering it from classic Western-centric views

A multidisciplinary research project that explores how Russia’s Arctic regions are changing and how local populations are dealing with sustainability issues

A research project that reconstructs White Russians’ place within the transnational history of the far right and tracks the influence of White ideology in today’s Russia

The Russia Program rethinks the way we talk about Russia to a broader audience
A leading analytical platform for academics, experts, and journalists to discuss today’s Russia

An open-access, peer-reviewed journal publishing social research in Russian and English about Russia’s and Eurasia’s societies and their transformations

Russian Analytical Digest
RAD analyzes recent events, trends and developments within contemporary Russian politics, economics and business, foreign policy, security and society

The Russia program suggests new ways of engaging Russian scholars
An innovative one-stop shop that offers short-term fellowships, along with conference and publishing support for Russian scholars in exile
A non-profit association of scholars and experts working on issues related to Russian civil society, Russian immigrant communities, and academic freedom
How to use our Russia Program?
You can engage with each element of our research ecosystem and use it to advance your research, teach classes, publish your work, become a part of network, or apply for funding
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Washington, DC 20052

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