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Russia.Post is a platform for educating a broader audience on Russian society in all its complexity and diversity, with the belief that cultural exchange and mutual understanding remain as important as ever.
Russia.Post is an expert journalistic platform that seeks to draw back the newly closing Iron Curtain and shed light on developments inside Russia.
We aim to become a digital hub where Russian humanities and civil-society-related issues can be debated in a pluralistic atmosphere. We put the spotlight on Russian voices, in dialog with international experts, to discuss the future of Russia and its place in the world.
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Journalist Tatiana Rybakova talks with economic experts about a new export duty, as well as a decree obliging exporters to sell their FX earnings. Will these measures boost the ruble and pad the budget? And how are they related to the upcoming presidential elections in 2024?

Ecclesiologist Cyril Hovorun outlines the differences within the Russian clergy over Russia’s war in Ukraine and explains what might be behind recent reshuffles in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Political analyst Mikhail Vinogradov looks at how Russia’s relations with the former Soviet republics have changed amid the crises of recent years, including the clashes in Nagorno-Karabakh, the incorporation of Crimea and the war with Georgia, and how these relations have been changed by Moscow’s current focus on Ukraine.

Jeremy Morris cautions against unfounded and oversimplified conclusions about the Russian people’s thinking about the war in Ukraine and suggests that, despite demands for social consolidation, strong centrifugal tendencies are afoot.

Russia.Post is launching a new section: we invited followers on our social media pages to submit questions for popular RP contributors. In September, Andrei Kolesnikov, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Russia and Eurasia Center in Berlin, answers Questions From Russia.Post Readers.

Military expert Aleksander Golts analyzes Putin's latest nuclear threats in the context of Russia's suspension of participation in the New START Treaty. In his view, Moscow is making a resumption of negotiations on nuclear weapons contingent on the US ending support for Kyiv.

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