[1] Marlène Laruelle,
Russian Eurasianism: And Ideology of Empire (Washington D.C., Baltimore MD: Woodrow Wilson Center Press: Johns Hopkins University Press); Mariya Engström, Contemporary Russian Messianism and New.
Contemporary Security Policy. 2014. 35:3. 356 – 379; Andreas Umland,
Post-Soviet “Uncivil Society” and the Rise of Aleksandr Dugin: A Case Study of the Extraparliamentary Radical Right in Contemporary Russia (Ph. D. in Politics, University of Cambridge, 2007); K.U. Roman, Zwrot polityczny w literaturze rosyjskiej, czyli „Lewy Front Sztuki” według Zachara Prilepina.
Poznanskie Studia Slawistyczne PSS NR (June, 2014): 229 – 241.
[2] Julia Zlatkova, Byzantism and Slavdom: Political Ideology of Constantine Leontiev.
Cyril and Methodius: Byzantium and the World of the Slavs International Scientific Conference Thessaloniki (2015): 121 – 131; Marlene Laruelle, In search of Putin's philosopher Why Ivan Ilyin is not Putin’s Ideological Guru.
Intersections (March 2017); Anastasiya Mitrofanova,
Politizatsiia “pravoslavnogo mira” [Politicization of the Orthodox world]. (Moscow: Nauka, 2004); Alexander Buzgalin, Ivan Il’in i Postsovetskiy Konservatizm. Predislovie k stat’ye Kh.R. Petera.
Al’ternativy (2012), no 4.
[3] Mikhail Prishvin,
Kladovaya solntsa (Moscow: ‘Sovetskaya Rossiya’, 1977).
[4] Mikhail Prishvin, “Zhuravlinaya rodina,” in
Sobranie sochineniy v 8 tomakh. vol. 3 (Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1983): 30 – 160.
[5] Varvara Burtseva, “‘A Soviet Piece, but Without Sycophancy’: ‘The Sun’s Storehouse’ as a Philosophical Manifesto,” Proceedings of the International academic conference “Literary heritage of M.M. Prishvin: the context of national and world culture," dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the writer. (Russian Federation, Moscow, February 20 – 22, 2023).
[6] Alexey Varlamov
, Okhotnik za schast'em (Moscow, 2021): 10.
[7] Prishvin frequently turns to the idea of Kashchey’s kingdom in his diaries, but
The Chain of Kashchey is the principal vehicle of this idea.
[8] Anna Zhuchkova, Karina Galay, “Funktsional'noye znacheniye mifologicheskogo obraza Koshcheya bessmertnogo i yego otrazheniye v russkikh volshebnykh skazkakh,”
Vestnik slavyanskikh kul'tur (2015), no 3: 165 – 175.
[9] Elena Balashova, “Ideya roda i ’Kashcheeva tsep'‘ M. Prishvina,”
Lit-info.Ru. http://prishvin.lit-info.ru/prishvin/kritika/balashova-ideya-roda-i-kascheeva-cep.htm?ysclid=lod0oswkm3782855011
[10] Alexander Vel'tman,
Romany. (Мoscow, 1985).
[11] Natal’ya Lishova, “Motiv puti v romane «Kashcheeva tsep'” M. Prishvina: kompozitsionno-strukturnoe svoeobrazie”.
Philologos (2011), № 8: 48-54.
[12] Mikhail Prishvin,
Kashcheeva tsep'. (Мoscow, 1984).
[13] This image suggests that Prishvin alludes to the Cabbalistic picture of the world as a shattered vessel. But there is not enough evidence that Prishvin consciously used this reference.
[14] See: Elena Balashova, “
Ideya roda i ’Kashcheeva tsep'‘…[15] The second Adam personifies those peasants who had no land and who ultimately had to beg to scraps of land from those who had it, and consequently, “those peasants” had to toil both for themselves and for the rich. See: Mikhail Prishvin, Kashcheeva tsep'.
Lit-info.ru. http://prishvin.lit-info.ru/prishvin/proza/kascheeva-cep/kaschej.htm[16] Alexey Varlamov,
Okhotnik za schast'em, 15.
[17] A ”wolf-ticket” in pre–revolutionary Russia was the colloquial nickname of a document with a mark of unreliability, which prevented admission to educational institutions, public service, etc.
[18] Marya Morevna – is also a mythological personage, princess, heroine of Russian folk tales, who has great magical power and fettered Kashchei the Immortal.
[19] An elder in the Orthodox church practice is a special spiritual monk who is particularly close to God and can see the future and help handle crucial turning points in people’s lives. Such an elder could help connect the destinies of different persons by pointing out to a young man and a young girl that they should marry.
[20] Petr Maslyuzhenko, “Kashcheeva tsep' v kladovoy solntsa. K 135-letiyu Mikhaila Mikhaylovicha Prishvina,”
Russkaya narodnaya liniya. 05.02.2008
. https://ruskline.ru/analitika/2008/02/05/kaweeva_cep_v_kladovoj_solnca/
[21] Alexey Varlamov,
Okhotnik za schast'em, 298.
[22] Ibid., 55.
[23] Ibid., 56.
[24] Vladimir Komarovich,
Kitezhskaya legenda. Opyt izucheniya mestnykh legend. (Moscow, Leningrad, 1936).
[25] Old Believers are one of the variants of Russian Orthodoxy, formed in the second half of the 17th century due to the rejection by part of the Orthodox population of the church reform of Patriarch Nikon and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The Old Believers themselves are not a monolith, but are a complex of movements and organizations confessing the preservation of ancient Russian pre-reform rites and rituals. See in more details: Elena Yukhimenko,
Staroobryadchestvo: Istoriya i Kul’tura (Moscow, 2016).
[26] Alexander Chuviyurov, “Legenda o Belovodye v pismennoy i ustnoy traditsii,” in
Ustnoe i knizhnoe v slavyanskoy i evreyskoy kul'turnoy traditsii. Sb. statey. iss. 44 (Moscow, 2013): 86 – 122.
[27] The Book of Margarit is a collection of excerpts from the works of St. John Chrysostom.
[28] Mikhail Prishvin,
Kashcheeva tsep' (Мoscow, 1984): 107.
[29] Natalya Borisova,
Zhizn' mifa v tvorchestve M. M. Prishvina (Yelets, 2001): 68.
[30] Marina Urtmintseva, “Kitezhskiy letopisets v literaturnoy i zhivopisnoy traditsii (P.I. Melnikov i M.V. Nesterov),”
Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo. no. 4 (2011): 322–327.
[31] Sergey Durylin,
Stat'i i issledovaniya 1900-1920 godov (St. Petersburg, Vladimir Dal, 2014): 120; Anna Reznichenko, “Sergey Nikolaevich Durylin. Prozaik, poet, filosof, bogoslov, iskusstvoved, etnograf,” in
Russkaya literatura XX veka. Prozaiki, poets, dramaturgi. Bibliographicheskiy slovar’. vol.1 (Мoscow, 2005): 672.
[32] Skete [skit] - is a hermitage place of residence for monks, remote from cities and large human settlements. However, the Old Believers, not only monks, but also secular clergy and family communities chose secluded, such remote places from civilization, due to the fact that they were fleeing from persecution by the state authorities.
[33] Mikhail Prishvin, “U sten grada nevidimogo (Svetloye ozero),”in
Sobranie sochineniy v 8 tomakh. vol. 1 (Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1982): 387–474.
[34] Alexey Varlamov,
Okhotnik za schast'em, 95.
[35] Elena Knorre,
Syuzhet «puti v Nevidimiy grad» v tvorchestve M.M. Prishvina 1900 — 1930 gg. Thesis for obtaining the degree of candidate of philological sciences (Moscow, 2019).
[36] See also an annotation on this point: Elena Knorre,
Syuzhet «puti v Nevidimiy grad»…, 133 – 136; Sergey Yesenin,
Polnoye sobraniye sochineniy v semi tomakh, vol. 1. Preparation of texts and comments by A. Kozlovsky (Moscow, 1995): 346 – 362.
[37] Alexander Etkind,
Khlyst (Moscow, NLO): 454-482.
[38] Alexey Varlamov,
Okhotnik za schast'em, 95.
[39] Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki. 1920 – 1922 (Moscow: Moskvskiy rabochiy, 1995): 157.
[40] Alexey Varlamov,
Okhotnik za schast'em, 208 – 209.
[41] Mikhail Prishvin, “Ubivets”.
Volia naroda. 31.10.1917. no. 159: 6,
http://prishvin.lit-info.ru/prishvin/proza/cvet-i-krest/ubivec.htm?ysclid=lplkxol44c379669884[42] Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki. 1926 – 1927 (Mocow: “Russkaya kniga," 2003): 408.
[43] Ibid., 421.
[44] Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki. 1932 – 1935. (Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo “Rostok," 2009): 262.
[45] Ibid., 586
[46] Friedrich Engels,
Anti-Dühring. Herr Eugen Dühring's Revolution in Science. (Moscow, 1977): 134 – 146.
[47] Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki. 1932 – 1935, 586.
[48] Ibid., 313.
[49] Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki. 1940 – 1941 (Moscow: ROSSPAeN, 2012): 478.
[50] Ibid.: 479.
[51] Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki. 1932 – 1935, 81.
[52] Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki. Ranniy dnevnik. 1905 – 1913 (Saint-Petersburg: “Rostok” 2007): 301.
[53]Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki. 1930—1931 (Saint-Petersburg: “Rostok” 2006): 12.
[54] Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki. 1926 – 1927 (Mocow: “Russkaya kniga," 2003): 392.
[55] Ibid., 392.
[56] Ibid.
[57] See for details: Ivan Aleksandrov, “«Razmyshleniya» M.M. Prishvina o pravoslavii v rannem dnevnike 1905 -1913 gg.,”
Molodoy uchenyy(2012), no 5 (40): 275-277; Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki. Ranniy dnevnik. 1905 – 1913, 591, 636.
[58] Ibid., 591.
[59] Michail Prishvin,
Dnevniki 1932—1935, 62.
[60] Vasiliy Rozanov, “Zloye legkomysliye,” in
Literatura i zhizn',http://dugward.ru/library/katalog_alfavit/rozanov.html[61] Alexey Varlamov,
Rozanov. (Moscow, 2022): 308 – 311.
[62] Michail Prishvin,
Dnevniki 1923 – 1925 (Saint-Petersburg, 2009): 30.
[63] Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki. 1926 – 1927 (Mocow: “Russkaya kniga," 2003): 523.
[64] Ibid., 523.
[65] See in more details about Fedorovians: Boris Knorre,
V poiskakh bessmertiya. Fedorovskoye religiozno-filosofskoye dvizheniye: istoriya i sovremennost’ (Moscow, 2008).
[66] He is a professor of Bunin Yelets State University, one of the main researchers and rehabilitators of Prishvin’s oeuvres.
[67]Mikhail Prishvin, “U sten grada nevidimogo (Svetloye ozero),” in
Mikhail Prishvin, Sobranie sochineniy v 8 tomakh. vol.1 (Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1982): 387–474.
[68] Aleksander Podoksenov, “O Probleme "bogoiskatel'stva" v mirovozzrenii i tvorchestve M.M. Prishvina,”
Religiovedenie, no.4 (2007): 79 – 89. There are inaccuracies in the text of A.Podoksenov. When mentioning two liberal government regulations of 1905, Podoksenov non-critically reproduces inaccuracies in the titles and an error in the date of one of the regulation made by A.L. Kiselev, commentator of Prishvin in the publication of “At the Walls of the Invisible City” in the 8-volume Collected Works issued in 1982. In particular Podoksenov (following Kiselev) points out 1908 year of the April Decree instead of 1905.
[69] Nataliya Borisova, “Russkiy mir v tvorchekom nasledii Mikhaila Prishvina,” Paper presented at the Conference “M.M. Prishvin in the context of modern humanitarian knowledge,” Yelets (3 – 4 of February 2023).
[70] Ibid.
[71] Ivan Esaulov, “‘Rassmotret' khristianskoye osnovaniye russkoy literatury’ (M.M. Prishvin): nasha zadacha,” Paper presented at the Conference “M.M. Prishvin in the context of modern humanitarian knowledge. Yelets (3 – 4 of February 2023).
[72] Now these authors are associate professors at the Moscow City Teachers' Training University.
[73] Elena Borovskaya, Svetlana Poshina, “Khristianskiye tsennosti v ‘Kladovoy solntsa’ M.M. Prishvina,”
Vestnik PSTGU. iss.4(19) (2010): 38, 41-42;. Alexander Zelenenko, “Vazhneyshiye printsipy khristianskoy pedagogiki i utrata ikh sovremennoy shkoloy,” in
Traditions of Education in Karelia. (Petrozavodsk, 1995): 105–109.
[74] «Nevidimyy grad» Mikhaila Prishvina.
Radio Vera (22 of January, 2022),
https://radiovera.ru/nevidimyj-grad-mihaila-prishvina.html?ysclid=lg468s3n99240486644#84f19674c8d6fbd5a5db9c6759e86ab8[75] Ispolnilos' 150 let so dnya rozhdeniya Mikhaila Prishvina.
Vesti (TV-broadcast) (04 February 2023, 20:58). http://smotrim.ru/video/2558683?ysclid=lpuazwkiim642305923
[76] Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki. 1920—1922, 298.
[77] Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki. 1940 – 1941, 579-580. The term “Sergianism” was coined when the Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky) signed the Declaration on loyalty toward the USSR in 1927, at the height of Bolshevik persecutions of the Church. Accordingly, the name “Sergius” in this context became a by-word for all kinds of ecclesiastical opportunism.
[78] Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki. 1930—1931, 249.
[79] Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki 1928 – 1929 (Moscow: Russkaya kniga, 2004): 454.
[80] Yana Grishina, Kommentarii, In
Mikhail Prishvin. Dnevniki 1936 – 1937. (Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo ‘Rostok’, 2010): 841.
[81] Ibid., 842.
[82] Mikhail Prishvin,
Dnevniki. 1950 – 1951 (Moscow: “Rostok," 2016): 101.