Kim Balaschak: Do you need any special skills for that?
Daniel Satisky: No.
Kim Balaschak: Can somebody else clean the area? Yes. Can somebody set up what she has to do, her instructions, so that she doesn't have to go find the supervisor to get her instructions and then look and see what she's going to do? Yes. Can anybody else stitch these pants together? Oh no. Only she can do that. I said, okay, there you go. All of a sudden now the seamstress comes in, she's ready to go. She starts sewing because she's a skilled worker.
Daniel Satisky: Right.
Kim Balaschak: So yeah, she's happy because her piecework goes up, right?
Daniel Satisky: Yes.
Kim Balaschak: Although we got rid of that system.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: And we moved towards more of a reward by the overall output. They added a second shift, so it was overall output. And then we also established new management trainees, other ways to give people opportunity and pride. I had heard from the owners that they got a contract. This was quite a few years ago after I had left. They were so excited because they think about everything that way in the process, right? They got a contract to produce children's swimwear for Metro Cash and Carry. That's the Costco of Europe.
Daniel Satisky: Right.
Kim Balaschak: So, you know, I mean, that is like really cool.
Daniel Satisky: Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so what you brought to them was a business process understanding that you got from Coopers and your own experience. Yes. And it allowed them to take their entrepreneurial drive and focus it in a new way.
Kim Balaschak: Absolutely. And I got a work permit. They got a work permit for me because they said, we have convinced the ministry of whatever it is that you are the only person that has the skill that we need. And I got to work from it.
Daniel Satisky: Wow.
Kim Balaschak: Yeah, yeah. So the significance of that is you are being paid by a Russian organization. If you are working for Coopers and Lybrand, you didn't need a work permit because you are paid by a foreign company.
Daniel Satisky: Right.
Kim Balaschak: But to go to work for a Russian company, I needed a work permit.
Daniel Satisky: Wow. Okay. And you still have that somewhere?
Kim Balaschak: You know, I should. Should I look for it?
Daniel Satisky: Well, yeah. It would be interesting.
Kim Balaschak: It says something about a resolution. It's yellow. I'll look for my work permit.
Daniel Satisky: Okay.
Kim Balaschak: I was trying to find—we're in a band and we're doing the 60s concert and I couldn't find any photographs of myself from the 60s, so I gave them a 70s one. So they had to use that. I'll look for it. I want to look for it.
Daniel Satisky: Okay. So this is interesting to me because, you know, trying to look at what is the long-term impact of having had so many foreigners there. Clearly, you've had an impact because it was a skill set that they needed. Yeah. It allowed them to then do what they're doing now as a Russian enterprise.
Kim Balaschak: I think your question is really good and it goes deep into what all of us may not have thought we might have been doing. Yeah. But we did have something that the Russians did not have, and that is business experience, right?
Daniel Satisky: Right.
Kim Balaschak: And so by imparting that, you know, in I can speak for myself in the way that, you know, that I did. I mean, we would spend hours over these diagrams of inputs, outputs, controls and, and, and this and, and I mean arguing and, and it was so heated and some people were just walking out, you know, oh this is, this is, you know, that, you know, it was really difficult.
Daniel Satisky: It's yeah it's.
Kim Balaschak: Really, really difficult.
Daniel Satisky: Right, right.
Kim Balaschak: But that company then embraced that way of thinking. It was actually really progressive too because it was brand new at Coopers and Lybrand. I was part of the pilot of this way of thinking.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: And I wasn't even a full-time Coopers and Lybrand person. I was a contract worker, primarily when they had, you know, Russian companies. But then they merged with Pricewaterhouse, so that, you know, that did change a few things. But in any case, finished out those projects to go back. So they have this knowledge. They use it. They use it to improve their business. They use it to improve their business processes. Okay. Then they are able to export. So the whole perception of Russian production right is in some way elevated.
Daniel Satisky: You know, shifted.
Kim Balaschak: Right. You know, and so, you know, it's all kind of building up from the bottom, but yeah.
Daniel Satisky: So and, and when they started exporting only a few years ago. Is that what you're saying?
Kim Balaschak: Yeah. Yeah. And I wasn't. Well, no. Much more than that. And I was still in Philadelphia. So yeah, I think maybe 2010, you know. Yeah, yeah. Date wise I don't know. Alright.
Daniel Satisky: But it goes against the stereotype that Russia doesn't have any consumers.
Kim Balaschak: There you go. Exactly right.
Daniel Satisky: Okay. And, and, and this was a Soviet era factory that this couple got control of through privatization.
Kim Balaschak: So they built, they built the business themselves by sewing in their own home.
Daniel Satisky: Oh okay. Alright. And so they got to the factory stage and they were way beyond their capabilities.
Kim Balaschak: And that's, that's exactly what it is.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah. Okay. Okay.
Kim Balaschak: They were beyond their capabilities to know, you know, like, okay, you get the production in order, like who are we producing for? You know. Yeah. So then it got, you know, we over the course of those four years, we identified our, you know, our consumers who we want to be to, you know, to whom.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: We did, probably one of the most interesting projects that I did with Solo is we hired one of these, it was like focus group companies, to help us identify what people want in a swimsuit or in their fitness wear. And we came up with two types of women: those women that like to show off themselves...
Daniel Satisky: Right?
Kim Balaschak: ...and those women who like to show more who they are from their core. It's a difficult thing to grasp. But like, say, for example, we had one designer who was putting all these doodads on everything. There it is. Women who like to attract attention to themselves or women who like to just simply express themselves.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: So it helped guide our design process. Yeah, because you've got to produce, you've got to design, you've got to distribute, you've got to market.
Daniel Satisky: You know we did. Yeah. Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: And, yeah, so just a little simpler.
Daniel Satisky: Right. So how did you develop your distribution? You were distributing to retailers, or...?
Kim Balaschak: Well, we were distributing to one major retailer, which was Sport Master in Moscow. I mean, in Philadelphia.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah. I remember that name.
Kim Balaschak: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sport Master was there. We distributed to them directly.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: But for the rest of Russia, we had distributors. So I spent some time out in Novosibirsk.
Daniel Satisky: I see.
Kim Balaschak: And that distributor had sub-distributors that covered the cities around Novosibirsk.
Daniel Satisky: And did you develop the same way, the culture of or processes for being a distributor?
Kim Balaschak: We did not have a chance to do that.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah, they did.
Kim Balaschak: We did not.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: So you know, you can only do so much.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: We couldn't spend the amount of time with the distributor. We just determined the terms.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: And worked out what would be the objectives and the goals.
Daniel Satisky: Well, yeah, I know that in some spheres of business, small businesses were at the mercy of bigger customers who would sometimes take advantage of them, either in delaying payment or refusing payment or, you know, generally pushing the financing costs off onto their smaller supplier because they could. Did you have that kind of problem at all? I mean, with Sport Master or anybody?
Kim Balaschak: No. Oh, no. There may be other Solos. There's a cup company called Solo. But no, I mean...
Daniel Satisky: In terms of the process, I mean, that they went through. Are there other companies that you think learned this, either not purely your methodology, but sorted themselves out in the consumer sphere to make, you know, compatible goods? Competitive goods?
Kim Balaschak: I'm not sure I understood.
Daniel Satisky: Okay, so you helped this company to transform themselves into a company that standardized their production, understood their market, was able to sell into that market and be competitive?
Kim Balaschak: Yes.
Daniel Satisky: Are they unique in that transformation, or do you know of other companies who made a similar transformation?
Kim Balaschak: I am sure that Russia is replete with stories of companies that have made transformations. But in the fitness and swimwear, yeah, I know there was other competition. They were developing, you know, in different ways. And then, of course, there's always international competition.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah, yeah.
Kim Balaschak: So, you know, you've got name brand competition and then you've got no-name brand competition.
Daniel Satisky: Right, right.
Kim Balaschak: So, you know, there wasn't a whole heck of a lot of loyalty in swimwear. There just wasn't. You just had to have a nice swimsuit on the rack, and it had to appeal.
Daniel Satisky : Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: So, the branding, selling it, yeah. Did you have Turkish competition? Chinese competition?
Kim Balaschak: I don't specifically remember Turkish, but I definitely remember Chinese competition.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah. Okay. Okay. Would you say this experience was the most memorable for you in your business career there?
Kim Balaschak: It was one of them. I also had, I mean, every experience I had was wonderful because, honestly, I'm not kidding you on that.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: The one that I had after Solo, I went to work for Monsoon. Do you know the company Monsoon?
Daniel Satisky: No.
Kim Balaschak: Do you know here in the United States there's a retailer called Anthropologie?
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: Monsoon is the predecessor to Anthropologie.
Daniel Satisky: Oh, it's a British company.
Kim Balaschak: They have two brands. They have Monsoon and they have Accessorize.
Daniel Satisky: Okay.
Kim Balaschak: After I finished with Solo, I had a very brief period of time with Saatchi & Saatchi. They wanted to open a division called Saatchi & Saatchi X. Now, Saatchi & Saatchi X is a really interesting business. I'd never even heard of it, but the perfect example is let's say, let's take wine. When you see a billboard for wine, right? What are people doing there? Standing around, laughing, hugging each other? You know, they've got this beautiful glass of wine in front of them. When somebody goes to the supermarket or Walmart, let's say for example, and goes to the wine department, you know, they're standing there, oh my gosh, you know, they're looking at a sea of labels.
Daniel Satisky: I see.
Kim Balaschak: A sea of prices, you know, and it's such a different decision-making experience. So, Saatchi & Saatchi X was formed with one company that was trying to help Walmart understand that. And so, Saatchi then wanted to open up Saatchi X places everywhere. So, I went to my training at Walmart in Bentonville.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: And we started the greeting cards department and the optical department.
Daniel Satisky: Okay.
Kim Balaschak: And I was, you know, just there for my training. But part of training is doing. People were standing there buying a greeting card, you know, they're trying to think of a loved one, you know, maybe a happy situation, maybe not. And you got these bright lights shining overhead and the racks, you know, are steel or white aluminum. And it's just not a good way to do it. And so, you study, you know, and you do focus groups on how people are feeling when they're buying these certain items. And Walmart completely redid the way that greeting cards are stocked.
Daniel Satisky: Wow.
Kim Balaschak: Shelves are lower. There's some wood. The lights are less bright. Same thing with the optical department. They had them organized by price: here are the $10 frames, the $15 frames. Well, nobody wants to be seen over at the $10 frames.
Daniel Satisky: Right, right.
Kim Balaschak: So, you know, you organize everything. You can have price, but it's got to be within style. So, you have your style category, you know, you have your contemporary, you have your classical. Then you can have price in there. That's okay. You know, so those are the sorts of things. So, I was briefly with Saatchi & Saatchi. Most of my time was in training. Those were really great. And then I got a client. So, I got this client Monsoon, right? And I worked with them for just a couple, and they wanted me to put a marketing plan together. She had this, she had 23 stores total. I don't know. When I left, we had 79 stores, so it was really amazing.
Daniel Satisky: So, Moscow center?
Kim Balaschak: This is Moscow only. Well, no, no. Russia. So, we had a store, we had, in the end, we ended up having 23 stores in Moscow. We had nine in Saint Petersburg, a couple in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Novosibirsk, Volgograd, Kaliningrad. I mean, they were all over the place. It was really great.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: So, anyway, then the director, who was a Russian gal, you know, she just said it's going to be much easier if you just come to work for me. So, I did, and so I went to work there, and I worked there for four years, and then we left Russia.
Daniel Satisky: Where did that director come from? What was her background?
Kim Balaschak: She was Russian, but she apparently had been married to an English chap. And so, she lived in the UK.
Daniel Satisky: Okay.
Kim Balaschak: And so, when she came back to Russia, she opened the franchise. She was fabulous. I loved working with her.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah, yeah.
Kim Balaschak: So, Natalia, she brought that outlook or sensibility with her?
Daniel Satisky: Rada, she brought that outlook or sensibility with her? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Kim Balaschak: Now, she was a great business lady.
Daniel Satisky: So, you had a lot of respect for her.
Kim Balaschak: Yeah, yeah. And she was, you know, very entrepreneurial. She had a great sense of business, and she really knew what she was doing.
Daniel Satisky: Right.
Kim Balaschak: And she was very good at managing people.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah, I can imagine.
Kim Balaschak: Yeah. And so, you know, it was a great experience.
Daniel Satisky: Right. So, how did you find the transition back to the States after that?
Kim Balaschak: It was difficult. It was really difficult. You know, because we'd been gone for so long, and things had changed. And we had changed. And it was just, it was a really tough transition. But, you know, we managed.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah. So, what are you doing now?
Kim Balaschak: Now, I'm retired. I'm doing a lot of volunteer work. I'm on a couple of boards. And, you know, just enjoying life.
Daniel Satisky: That's great. So, looking back, what do you think was the most important lesson you learned from your time in Russia?
Kim Balaschak: I think the most important lesson I learned was just to be adaptable. You know, things change. And you have to be able to change with them. And if you can do that, you can be successful anywhere.
Daniel Satisky: Where was it?
Kim Balaschak: It was my favorite place.
Daniel Satisky: I could show you doodads. I haven't missed my liberty. And several rugs from Dagestan. So, yes.
Kim Balaschak: There you go. It's just a grand place. So if you go, you know, in the early days when you would come in the main entrance, over to the right, everybody would have all these boxes with just rags over the box. And then anything from their house that they wanted to sell, it was separate from the souvenirs and the jewelry and the icons and the rugs. It's completely separate. And so that's where you would see people selling their ornaments.
Daniel Satisky: And these are homemade ornaments?
Kim Balaschak: No, they're really not. Most of them were made in factories or what you might call artisans. So an artel would be, some of the ornaments are little cotton figures. I'll use that as an example.
Daniel Satisky: Okay.
Kim Balaschak: A little cotton figure of, let's say, a little Uzbek dancer.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: So the people in the village would go to the factory, they would pick up all the supplies they needed to make that little figure. There would be complete instructions. They would get the cotton batting, they'd get the stick mold, they'd get the mica, they'd get the paints, they'd get any little doodads that needed to be attached. And then they would go home and make these things and then they would bring them back and get paid. So that's how that worked. Then you did have some factories where they would, you know, they were blowing glass.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: And so some of my ornaments are glass, some are cotton, some are wire, some are cardboard, papier-mâché.
Daniel Satisky: And they're all for the New Year's tree.
Kim Balaschak: Yeah, it's a New Year tree.
Daniel Satisky: Right.
Kim Balaschak: Because in '36, that was the first time that the Russians were allowed to celebrate. The Soviets were allowed to celebrate a holiday and they only returned New Year without Christmas.
Daniel Satisky: I'm real. That and I didn't know 36. So from the time of the revolution until 1936, no holidays.
Kim Balaschak: Were not celebrating. There were some military celebrations, Roman Catholic religious immediately. I mean people still managed to celebrate in their homes a little bit.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah, but real quietly.
Kim Balaschak: I have this book. This woman, they had a plant downstairs and they would decorate it during the day and then they would take the decorations off just in case they got raided at night or something.
Daniel Satisky: Right.
Kim Balaschak: So my collection spans from around 1890 when rich Russians who could afford ornaments from Germany or from one factory in Saint Petersburg started putting them on their trees, through the revolution and the dark period, and then the birth of ornament production and the New Year from '36 to '40. And then there's the war that interrupted production. They still produced during the war but they didn't use anything that was strategic. So they made things from nuts and wire scraps and fabric scraps. After '45, production resumed, and my collection goes through the mid-'60s until it became mass-produced. Then it was no longer interesting for me.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah. And how did you date them? And when you bought them, how did you know when they were from?
Kim Balaschak: Well, I developed friendships there with some of the other collectors. When I was approached by the Museum of Applied Decorative and Folk Art, which is from the video I sent you — that was the CNN video in 2002 — in advance of that, I laid out all my ornaments in my living room and I had two experts in the field, Russian historians, come by and help me separate those things that are later in time.
Daniel Satisky: Or...
Kim Balaschak: That are not considered ornaments at all. So I was able to do that. And of course, in that process, I'm learning a lot myself.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: After that, as I was acquiring new items and then I had another exhibition that was sponsored by Ikea. After that, I've got a really amazing collection, one of the top five in the world. Almost all of it, except for maybe about 400 items, is now in the Museum of Russian Arts' permanent collection.
Daniel Satisky: With the exception of 400 items you can't...
Kim Balaschak: That's only because I couldn't go this year.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: So we've got to get those 400 accessioned this year.
Daniel Satisky: Yeah.
Kim Balaschak: And then that will be 100%. And then Jim and I have a mark your calendar. I just got home from yesterday December 16th. We will have a reception commemorating this. And there will be a big exhibition.
Daniel Satisky: Okay.
Kim Balaschak: And a reception.
Daniel Satisky: Wow, that would be cool.
Kim Balaschak: Yeah. Somebody asked me, "Well, did you keep the bastards?" I said, "Why would I do that?"
Daniel Satisky: No.
Kim Balaschak: I mean, no, I didn't.
Daniel Satisky: Right.
Kim Balaschak: The Ministry of Culture, when they gave me permission to take this out of the country, they said to me that they knew I had some items in my collection that other Russian collectors do not have.
Daniel Satisky: But one...They covet them, I can tell you.
Kim Balaschak: Yeah, but she said, we're not going to ask you to purge your collection. We're not going to do it. Yeah, because she said that you've shared, you've shown that you share. Go back and share in the United States and show a positive side of Russia. And so that's exactly what we're doing. The Museum of Russian Art has an exhibition every year.